Do you currently run your own daycare? Are you looking to become licensed? Are you looking to add more children into your care? Are you looking to make more money? Are you looking for support and training?
Kidz Clubhouse is here to help! By partnering with us, you will become part of a team of that is dedicated to high quality of child care and passionate about children’s well being and development. Kidz Clubhouse is a professional and learning space for all of our providers to work, grow and become successful.
At every step of this journey, you will be supported by an experienced and knowledgeable Home Visitor who will mentor and guide you to maximize your fullest potential and help you realize your dream of being self-employed and owning your successful small business.
The $10 a day child care deal with Ontario and the federal government has been implemented. This will provide will provide numerous challenges to daycare providers/owners.
Daycare providers/owners can only partake in this deal if they are licensed. There is a disadvantage to become licensed through a traditional agency as the agency gains control of wages, communication with your families, making providers feel like they no longer have any control over their own small business.
The Early Learning and Child Care Agreement is a 5 year deal aimed to reduce child care fees for children under 5 on average by 25% as of April 1, 2022. By the end of December 2022, fees will be reduced by 50% and by September 2025, a target of $10 a day has been set.
All daycare providers/owners currently have these options:
1) Remain a privately owned daycare and require families to pay the same fees they pay now. This will severely limit future enrollment as families will be looking for daycares that are offering $10 a day care.
2) Become licensed through a traditional agency, where you will be subjected to agency fees and have less control over your own business.
3) Become licensed through Kidz Clubhouse! We are a unique agency which allows you to maintain control of the things that matter most! We allow you to keep all the childcare fees. You will pay a nominal monthly licensing fee! We will help with programming, training and health and safety and work with you to have the tools you need to achieve success as a small business owner.
We know that the success of our agency all depends on you and your hard work and dedication. YOU are the one that is taking care of the children day in and day out and YOU are the one that has established nurturing and caring relationships with not only the kids but also the parents. YOU are the one that has made it all possible!
We are here to tell you that we see how hard you work and we want you to know that we recognize that. Unlike other agencies that pay the providers a percentage of the childcare fees they collect, our providers get to keep all the fees right in their pockets! That’s right, Kidz Clubhouse is the first agency of its kind that allows their providers to keep all the childcare fees and only asks their providers to pay a monthly licensing fee!
You will be licensed by the Ministry of Education
• Kidz Clubhouse is a licensed home agency and through us you will enjoy the benefits of being a licensed home child care provider, which increases your market by attracting more parents.
• You will be able to offer parents care for $10 a day by 2025, as Kidz Clubhouse will enroll in the program.
• You can accept and care for 6 children into your care. Providers with a licensed agency can enrol up to 6 children. Unlicensed providers can only accept and care for 5 children.
• You will make more money. Providers with a licensed agency can make more money having more children in their care and qualifying for a Provincial Wage Enhancement of an extra $20 per day.
You will have a support system
• If needed, Kidz Clubhouse can help you recruit children into your home (fees apply)
• Our Home Visitor will provide continuous hands-on support and guidance to you. From Indoor and Outdoor Activities and Routines to COVID19 Health and Safety Measures.
• Our Home Visitor is available to offer advice and tools to handle certain situations. If need be - the agency is also involved in handling/solving certain situation between providers and parents.
• Access to professional development such as workshops, seminars, and materials on pedagogy and early childhood development
Training & Professional Development
• A subscription to PROCARE child care app to communicate with parents.
• Kidz Clubhouse will provide you with mandatory training on How Does Learning Happen (HDLH) and Early Learning for Every Child Today (ELECT). Review Agency and Ministry of Education CCEYA policies and procedures.
• One on one training and support from Home Visitor
• Group workshops and training based on new or revised policies and procedures and the needs and requirements of the team of Providers.
• 20 hours of free professional training per year; Ministry requirement.
Exposure and Experience
• As a provider you will be exposed to different age groups, developmental needs of children, and work with parents and children from diverse backgrounds
• The pleasure and joy of operating your own home daycare and your own business!
Supportive Educator
To be a supportive, caring and nurturing educator who can encourage the children to learn by being their partner in daily learning experiences.
Collaborate with us
• To collaborate with Kidz Clubhouse and our Home Visitor in designing and planning daily routines that are nurturing and support children’s health and well-being.
• To collaborate with specialized community resources to support and implement the Individual Program Plan (if necessary)
• Work with families to understand the children’s needs and create a blend of culture and child development to reflect the four foundations of 'How Does Learning Happen'.