KIDZ CLUBHOUSE was founded by our Director Aphrodite Rubello in 2021 as an add on to Riverdale Activity Centre. Aphrodite has lived in the Danforth area her whole life. She initially began a home daycare in 1995 providing care for families in her community for over 20 plus years.
She noticed that there was an enormous need for flexible and affordable child care, not only in her neighbourhood but in the GTA region and decided to help many struggling families by opening Kidz Clubhouse. By partnering with nurturing and reliable providers throughout the region, parents now have more options when looking for quality childcare for their little ones.
Kidz Clubhouse is a high-quality licensed home child care agency which partners with providers who offer child care for children from infancy to 12 years of age, with a maximum of 6 children (no more than 3 children under 2 years of age). Our experienced and dedicated providers deliver engaging programs that meet the needs of each and every child.
Kidz Clubhouse is licensed by the Ministry of Education and prides itself on providing “home-like” care to children in our homes throughout the GTA region. Each home offers a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment with a mixed-aged program that allows siblings to be in care together. Each home offers daily planned activities that are based on children’s interests and needs. Nutritious home-made meals and snacks that meet Canada’s Food Guide and that can be adjusted to individual dietary requirements are also provided.
Our wonderful network of providers is all certified in Standard First Aid and CPR-C and have regular access to ongoing workshops and training programs. All our providers have completed a full and thorough Criminal Reference Check and Current Vulnerable Sector Reference Check. Each home receives monthly mentorship visits by a Kidz Clubhouse Home Visitor to provide support and ensure the highest-quality of care. All providers in our network must follow all the rules and regulations provided for licenses child care in the Child Care and Early Years Act (2014) and maintain quality standards from the City of Toronto’s Assessment for Quality Improvement.
Our aim is to provide the highest quality of early learning and care in a safe, nurturing and responsive environment. Our purpose is to create a strong foundation for lifelong learning by offering a planned curriculum with learning experiences based on exploration, play and inquiry, actively involving children in their learning journey and supporting each child’s learning, development, health and well-being.
It is the vision of Kidz Clubhouse that all children are unique and deserve a safe and stimulating environment where they can grow and find their greatness. Our program empowers all children to embrace learning and achieve their personal best by building their social, emotional and physical well-being.
• We see children as active participants in their environments, who are by nature, curious problem solvers.
• We view children as competent, active, curious and capable learners rich in potential.
• We support play-based learning in which children have the opportunity to explore and interact with the indoor and outdoor environments.
• Programming is based on the knowledge that children's growth follows a development sequence that is universal, but that within that sequence, each child proceeds at different rates and in unique ways.
Our aim is to provide the highest quality of early learning and care in a safe, nurturing and responsive environment. Our purpose is to create a strong foundation for lifelong learning by offering a planned curriculum with learning experiences based on exploration, play and inquiry, actively involving children in their learning journey and supporting each child’s learning, development, health and well-being.
Our home child care providers enable children to develop and grow in a positive learning environment based on ‘How Does Learning Happen?’, Ontario’s Pedagogy for The Early Years as the guiding document under the Child Care Early Years Act (2014). We recognize and foster an active partnership between home and school to ensure a positive and rich educational and meaningful experience that respects diversity.
The four fundamental conditions that help children to grow and thrive are:
At Kidz Clubhouse, regardless of age, ability, culture, language, geography or setting, each child has a sense of belonging. Our home child care providers help build these positive, inclusive and responsive relationships amongst the children, families and their community.
Our home child care providers do their best to create positive interactions and collaborations with families because they recognize and respect parents as valuable contributors to their children’s sense of belonging, development and growth. They also take pleasure in inviting parents to get involved in the program and welcome them to share their skills and talents with the children in the home.
Community involvement and participation is also very important in our children’s lives that is why our home child care providers find ways of bringing the local community into the children’s daily experiences.
At Kidz Clubhouse, we focus on children’s social, physical, emotional, creative and cognitive development in a nurturing manner. Providing and promoting opportunities for children to communicate effectively and build on their self regulation through our daily planning. Our home child care providers promote health, safety, nutrition and well-being of each child through following the policies of Kidz Clubhouse, daily planning, hygiene, health practices and our nutritious menu.
At Kidz Clubhouse, our home child care providers create an environment that enhances active and passive play, rest and quiet time, indoor and outdoor play, keeping in mind that each child is unique. In this type of environment, children learn through exploration, play and enquiry which develops skills and enhances problem solving, creative thinking and innovation.
Every child is an active and engaged learner who learns and explores the world around them with their body, mind and senses. Children learn, explore, develop problem solving skills and creative thinking through play. That is why our play-based approach to learning is reflected in our emergent curriculum, a curriculum based on the children’s individual interests and developmental goals. Through our program we provide environments and experiences to engage children in active, creative and meaningful exploration, play and inquiry.
At Kidz Clubhouse, our home child care providers value the children as individuals and as competent contributors with their own interests and points of view. Every child expresses him/herself in many ways. In order to help them increase their communication skills we provide environments that are rich in language, as well as opportunities to explore materials, support creativity and develop problem solving and mathematical skills. Our home child care providers also play a very important role in helping children to communicate not only by responding to their verbal and non-verbal cues, but also by helping them to listen and express themselves.
Children come to us from various cultures and backgrounds. Our home child care providers do their best to support each child’s native language through books or even introducing some known words from home. Familiarity in words or expressions help narrow the gap between home and the child care setting.